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Flowering Plants
African Violets
Gerbera Daisy
Reiger Begonias
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Dish Gardens

Azaleas are Asian hybrids of the genus Rhododendron. The name rhododendron comes from the greek words 'rodon' meaning rose and 'dendron' meaning tree. There are two distinct varieties, evergreen and deciduous. The evergreen varieties, Rhododendron Tsutsusi, stay green year round. The deciduous, Rhododendron Pentanthera, lose their leaves in the fall and remain dormant in the winter before reblooming.

Azaleas have small, eliptical leaves and trumpet shaped flowers. An azalea's fragrant blooms can be seen in shades of pink, white, peach, lavender, red, or bi - colored with dark oval leaves and woody stems and will remain in bloom for about 3 to 4 weeks. Azaleas can reach a height of up to 60 cm. Azalea trees can reach heights of 8 feet.

Azalea's soil should remain very moist and prefers hard water such as rainwater or distilled water. These plants also need bright light but no direct sun and prefer cool to average room temperatures of 60 - 70°F.